Business & Finance

The Business Department team provides the necessary support for all district purchasing activities for the procurement of supplies, materials, or services; accounts payable functions; banking and general and workers compensation insurance.
We are diligent in our mission to manage all financial activities for the district. We understand the important work being done throughout our District and strive to serve those around us.

Dr. Ana Ochoa
Assistant Superintendent of
Business & Finance/CSBO
Extension: 10351
The Assistant Superintendent of Business & Finance/Chief School Business Official is responsible for the financial operation, all general business and support functions of the district. This includes fiscal planning; budgeting; all related accounting activities for the receipt and expenditure of district funds; purchasing of supplies, materials, or services, school nutrition services, transportation services, internal services, homeless liaison and registration.

Business Department Staff

Jennifer Cepeda
Accounting Services Coordinator
Extension:  10357
Kristi Mueller 
Director of Grants and Public Relations
Extension:  10347
Balinda Mugica 
Extension:  10355
Maria Garcia-Lopez
Special Education Finance Coordinator
Blanca Romo
Accounts Payable
Extension:  10368
Cynthia Poynter
Extension:  10000
Erica Arias
Extension: 10302
Ashley Vela
District Payroll & Benefits Coordinator