Technology Department » 1:1 Device Program

1:1 Device Program

District 111 is committed to enhancing student learning through technology by implementing a 1:1 Device Program. This initiative ensures that every student has access to a personal, district-issued device to support their education both in and out of the classroom.


Program Goals

  • Equitable Access: Provide all students with the tools they need to succeed in a digital learning environment.
  • Enhanced Learning: Integrate technology into daily instruction to foster creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and social skills. These skills are essential for students to thrive in tomorrow’s workforce.
  • Digital Literacy: Equip students with the necessary skills to navigate and utilize digital resources effectively and responsibly.

Device Distribution

  • Who Receives a Device: All students from Kindergarten through 8th grade will be provided with a district-issued device, including a Chromebook and charger.
  • Distribution Schedule: Devices are distributed before the first day of school. New students receive their device after completing the registration process.

Parent and Student Responsibilities

Parents Responsibilities:

  • Supervise their child's use of the device at home, especially when online.
  • Discuss appropriate internet use with their child.
  • Ensure the device is used strictly for school purposes and not for personal activities like online shopping or streaming movies.
  • Ensure the device is secure and properly stored when not in use.
  • Choose a safe location to charge the device at home and ensure it is fully charged and ready for school each day.
  • Report any issues, damage, loss, or theft immediately to the school, accompanied by a police report if necessary.

Parents and Students Responsibilities:

  • Keep the device away from extreme temperatures, food, drinks, and pets.
  • Not alter or attempt to change the device's software or hardware configuration, nor remove any programs, media, documents, or web history.
  • Not download or install any unauthorized programs, apps, or files.
  • Not attempt to repair the device or seek repairs from anyone outside the district.
  • Ensure the device is taken home immediately after school and secured until the next school day.

Students Responsibilities:

  • Make the device available for random inspection by district staff upon request.
  • Log in using the account provided by the district.
  • Abide by the school district’s acceptable use policy and all relevant laws, including copyright laws.
  • Not access or interfere with other students’ devices.
  • Share their school work with parents on the device weekly.
  • Use appropriate language in all communications.
  • Only use the hardware, configurations, and installations provided by the district.
  • Clean the device only under teacher supervision at school.
  • Keep all labels on the device intact.

Using the Device

  • At School: Students are expected to bring their fully charged device to school every day. The device will be used for various educational activities, including research, assignments, and interactive lessons.
  • At Home: Students are encouraged to use their device at home for homework, research, and other academic purposes. Internet activity on district-issued devices is monitored to ensure safe and appropriate use.

Device Care and Responsibility

  • Student Responsibilities: Students must take care of their devices, following the guidelines in the Acceptable Use Policy. This includes keeping the device in its protective case, charging it regularly, and bringing it to school daily.
  • Damage or Loss: Students and their families are responsible for the care of the device. Accidental damage may be covered by the Technology Insurance included in the registration fee, but damage due to neglect or intentional misuse may result in repair or replacement costs.

Support and Resources

  • Training: Students will receive training on how to use their devices effectively at the beginning of the school year and throughout the year as needed.
  • Technical Support: If students experience issues with their devices, they should report them to their teacher or school administrator, who can assist or escalate the issue to the Technology Department.
  • Parental Involvement: Parents are encouraged to monitor their child’s use of the device at home and to ensure it is used for educational purposes only.

End of Year Procedures

  • Device Return: At the end of the school year, students must return their devices and any accessories to the school. Students in grades K-8 will retain the same device for the following school year.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if my child forgets their device?
    Parents may bring the device to school for elementary students. Middle school students are expected to arrive prepared with their device.
  • Can my child personalize their device?
    No, students should not alter or personalize district-issued devices in any way, including adding stickers or changing settings.
  • What happens if the device is lost or stolen?
    Report the loss or theft immediately to the school, and file a police report. Replacement costs will apply if the device is not recovered.