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spelling bee logo

Liberty Student Competes at ISC Scripps Regional Spelling Bee Championship

In December, students in grades 3-8 in West, North, and South Cook County schools participate in Spelling Bee competitions. Approximately 100,000 spellers compete to become the school, district, and regional champion! Our Liberty Junior High student, Kirsten, has achieved the regional title for two consecutive years!
stem fair

District STEM Fair

This year's District STEM Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16 at Luther Burbank School. Click the article for a STEM Fair informational packet, which include planning tips, guidelines, and project ideas!

Gallery 111

Photos of student artwork submitted for the 2025 Art Exhibition is now on digital display on the district website. Thank you to all our talented artists that participated! Click here to visit Gallery 111.
5Essentials Survey

Illinois 5Essentials Survey

Parents & Guardians, please take the Illinois 5Essentials Survey to help us generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child's school. This survey will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of our schools' effectiveness. The deadline is Friday, March 28.

2025-2026 PASS Registration

Registration for returning PASS families will open online - end of May. Registration for new PASS families will open online - end of July.
Thoe who excel award

We Are Home of a 2025 Those Who Excel Awardee

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced the over 500 Illinoisans honored for their extraordinary contributions to education across the state through its annual Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards. The awardees announced today include Burbank School District’s Sarah Nesci, Teacher at Kennedy School!
school calendar

2025-2026 School Calendar

The 2025-2026 Official School Calendar was approved at the January 22 Board of Education Meeting. The first day for students is Wednesday, August 13.
2025-26 registration

2025-2026 Registration Opens March 1

New and Returning Student Registration opens March 1. Parents and guardians of current students will receive an email with a direct snap-code link to register their student. Current 5th grade students moving on to Liberty next year should be registered as Returning Students. Please also note: snapcode letters indicate your child's current school.

What's Happening At BSD111